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- List of citations
Gressitt, 1937
Information about publication
Gressitt, J.L.
New Japanese longicorn beetles, II (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
Gressitt, J.L. • 1937
- Kontyû, Tokyo
- 11 : 317-327
List of citations
3 recorded citations (publication not or partly analyzed)
Monochamus yokoyamai Gressitt, 1937 : 322 [ nov ] • cf. Dolichoprosopus yokoyamai (Gressitt, 1937)
Mesosa pictipes Gressitt, 1937 : 323 [ nov loc ill ] • cf. Mesosa (Perimesosa) pictipes pictipes Gressitt, 1937
Coptops hirtiventris Gressitt, 1937 : 324 [ nov loc ill ] • cf. Pachyosa hirtiventris (Gressitt, 1937)