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Burmeister, 1865
Information about publication
Burmeister, H.C.
Longicornia Argentina. Systematische Uebersicht der Bockkäfer der La Plata-Staaten
Burmeister, H.C. • 1865
- Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung, La Plata
- 26 : 156-181
List of citations
10 recorded citations (publication not or partly analyzed)
Anisopadus variegatus Burmeister, 1865 : 178 [ nov loc ] • cf. Lepturges (Chaeturges) inscriptus Bates, 1863
Acanthoderes congener Burmeister, 1865 : 178 [ nov loc ] • cf. Aegomorphus jaspideus (Germar, 1824)
Acanthoderes quadrinodosus Burmeister, 1865 : 178 [ nov loc ] • cf. Oedopeza umbrosa (Germar, 1824)
Anisopadus White, 1855 : 178 • cf. Anisopodus White, 1855
Compsosoma albigena Burmeister, 1865 : 179 [ nov loc ] • cf. Aerenea quadriplagiata (Boheman, 1859)
Ptericoptus adustus Burmeister, 1865 : 179 [ nov loc ] • cf. Bisaltes (Bisaltes) adustus (Burmeister, 1865)
Hypsioma bonaeriensis Burmeister, 1865 : 179 [ nov loc ] • cf. Neodillonia albisparsa (Germar, 1824)
Phytoecia sanguinicollis Burmeister, 1865 : 180 [ nov loc ] • cf. Apagomerella versicolor (Boheman, 1859)
Hastatis femoralis Burmeister, 1865 : 181 [ nov ]
Onocephala nodipennis Burmeister, 1865 : 181 [ nov ] • cf. Lypsimena nodipennis (Burmeister, 1865)