Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae

Page Content

  • List of citations

Tweed & al., 2024

Information about publication

Tweed, J.M.H. & Ashman, L.G. & Slipinski, A.

Excastra albopilosa, a remarkable new genus and species of Lamiinae (Insecta: Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) from southeastern Queensland, Australia

Tweed, J.M.H. & Ashman, L.G. & Slipinski, A. • 2024 article

  • Australian Journal of Taxonomy
  • 54 : 1-8, 3 fig.

List of citations

3 recorded citations

  • Lamiinae Latreille, 1825 : 2 [ key ]

    Lamiinae Latreille, 1825 : 2

    General information

    • key update element
  • Excastra Tweed & al., 2024 : 2 [ nov div ]

    Excastra Tweed & al., 2024 : 2

    General information

    • description ; distinctive characters
    • new taxon/name
  • Excastra albopilosa Tweed & al., 2024 : 5 [ nov loc ill div des ]

    Excastra albopilosa Tweed & al., 2024 : 5

    General information

    • description ; remark
    • color photo, holotype ; ...
    • new taxon/name
    • designation


    • [locality type] Australia, Queensland : Binna Burra Lodge campground, Gold Coast hinterland, -28.1983, 153.1870, 793 m asl