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- List of citations
Xie & al., 2023
Information about publication
Xie, G. & Barclay, M.V.L. & Wang, W.
Review of the genus Xenicotela Bates (Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Lamiini)
Xie, G. & Barclay, M.V.L. & Wang, W. • 2023 article
- ZooKeys
- 1183 (1) : 185-204, 10 fig.
List of citations
13 recorded citations
Xenicotela Bates, 1884 : 186, 199, 200 [ key div ]details
Xenicotela Bates, 1884 : 186, 199, 200
General information
- description ; distinctive characters ; key
Monochamus Dejean, 1821 : 186, 200 [ div ] • cf. Monochamus (Monochamus) Dejean, 1821details
Monochamus Dejean, 1821 : 186, 200
General information
- distinctive characters ; remark
Xenicotela pardalina (Bates, 1884) : 187, 199 [ loc ill div ]details
Xenicotela pardalina (Bates, 1884) : 187, 199
General information
- operation on type ; description ; distinctive characters ; remark
- color photo, ♂ ; color photo, ♀ ; color photo, holotype ; ...
- Japan, Kyushu : Higo
- Japan, Shikoku : Tokushima Oref., Dosu-toge
- Japan, Honshu : Yuyama ; Tottori Pref., Mt. Daisen
Monohammus pardalinus = Xenicotela fuscula Bates, 1884 : 187 [ ill ] • cf. Xenicotela pardalina (Bates, 1884)details
Monohammus pardalinus = Xenicotela fuscula Bates, 1884 : 187
General information
- color photo, holotype, ♀ ; ...
Xenicotela distincta (Gahan, 1888) : 189, 200 [ loc ill div ]details
Xenicotela distincta (Gahan, 1888) : 189, 200
General information
- description ; distinctive characters ; remark
- color photo ; color photo, holotype ; ...
- Vietnam, Tonkin : Hoa-Binh
- China, Yunnan : Cangyuan County, Daheishan, alt. 2400 m; Xishuangbanna Prefecture, Danuoyou; Jiangcheng County, Qushui Township, alt. 564 m, 22°37'1''N, 102°9'49''E
- China, Guizhou : Ziyun County, Nazuo Village
- India, Assam
Monohammus distinctus = Nephelotus tonkineus Pic, 1926 : 189 [ ill ] • cf. Xenicotela distincta (Gahan, 1888)details
Monohammus distinctus = Nephelotus tonkineus Pic, 1926 : 189
General information
- color photo, syntype, ♂ ; color photo, syntype, ♀ ; ...
Xenicotela bimaculata (Pic, 1925) : 191, 200 [ ill div ]details
Xenicotela bimaculata (Pic, 1925) : 191, 200
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- color photo, holotype ; ...
- Tonkin : Hoa Binh
Xenicotela convexicollis (Gressitt, 1942) : 193, 200 [ loc ill div ]details
Xenicotela convexicollis (Gressitt, 1942) : 193, 200
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- color photo, ♂ ; color photo, ♀ ; color photo, holotype, ♀ ; ...
- China, Zhejiang : Tianmushan ; Lin'an, West Tianmushan; Lin'an, Qingliangfeng
- Taiwan
Xenicotela villiersi (Breuning, 1960) : 193, 200 [ ill div ]details
Xenicotela villiersi (Breuning, 1960) : 193, 200
General information
- description ; distinctive characters ; remark
- color photo, holotype ; ...
- Tonkin : Hoa Binh
Xenicotela binigricollis (Breuning, 1965) : 195, 200 [ loc ill div ]details
Xenicotela binigricollis (Breuning, 1965) : 195, 200
General information
- description ; distinctive characters ; remark
- color photo, ♀ ; color photo, holotype, ♀
- Laos : Pak Kading, Paksane area
- Vietnam : Bac Kạn Province, National Park
Xenicotela griseomaculata Xie & al., 2022 : 197, 200 [ ill div ]details
Xenicotela griseomaculata Xie & al., 2022 : 197, 200
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- color photo, holotype, ♂ ; ...
- China, Chongqing : Wuxi County, Xiabao township, Shuanghe Village, 31°21'4''N, 109°11'24''E
Xenicotela mucheni Xie & al., 2023 : 197, 200 [ nov loc ill div ]details
Xenicotela mucheni Xie & al., 2023 : 197, 200
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- color photo, ♀ ; color photo, ♂ ; ...
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] China, Yunnan : Ruili
- China, Yunnan : Yingjiang County, Xima, Alt. 600–1200 m
Monochamus nigrobasimaculatus Breuning, 1981 : 200 [ ill ] • cf. Monochamus (Monochamus) nigrobasimaculatus Breuning, 1981details
Monochamus nigrobasimaculatus Breuning, 1981 : 200
General information
- color photo, holotype