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- List of citations
Gressitt, 1941
Information about publication
Gressitt, J.L.
Chinese longicorn beetles of the tribe Tetraopini (Coleoptera)
Gressitt, J.L. • 1941
- Journal of the West China Border Research Society
- 12B : 134-147
List of citations
5 recorded citations (publication not or partly analyzed)
Chreonoma dioica (Fairmaire, 1878) • cf. Bacchisa (Bacchisa) dioica (Fairmaire, 1878)
Chreonoma rigida Gressitt, 1941 : 141 [ nov loc ill div ] • cf. Bacchisa (Bacchisa) rigida (Gressitt, 1941)details
Chreonoma rigida Gressitt, 1941 : 141
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- black and white drawing
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] China, Szechuan : Chengtu
Chreonoma sikang Gressitt, 1941 : 142 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Tetraophthalmus (Tetraophthalmus) sikang (Gressitt, 1941)details
Chreonoma sikang Gressitt, 1941 : 142
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] China, Sikang : Tienchuan
Anastathes parva hainana Gressitt, 1941 : 143 [ nov loc ill div ]details
Anastathes parva hainana Gressitt, 1941 : 143
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- black and white drawing
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] China, Hainan : Kiung-shan Distr., Lai-moling (Loi Mother Mt.), Lam-ka-heung, Taipin-ts'uen, alt. 400 m