Page Content
- List of citations
Vlasak & al., 2020
Information about publication
Vlasak, J. & Santos-Silva, A. & Nascimento, F.E.deL.
Two new species, transference, notes, and new record in South American Acanthocinini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae)
Vlasak, J. & Santos-Silva, A. & Nascimento, F.E.deL. • 2020
- Zootaxa, Auckland
- 4779 (3) : 355-366, 23 fig.
List of citations
18 recorded citations
Anisopodus argus Bates, 1872 : 356, 358 [ ill div ]details
Anisopodus argus Bates, 1872 : 356, 358
General information
- distinctive characters ; remark
- color photo, ♂
Anisopodus White, 1855 : 356, 358 [ div ]details
Anisopodus White, 1855 : 356, 358
General information
- distinctive characters ; remark
Hyperplatys Haldeman, 1847 : 356 [ div ]details
Hyperplatys Haldeman, 1847 : 356
General information
- remark
Anisopodus flavomarginatus Vlasak & al., 2020 : 356 [ nov loc ill div ]details
Anisopodus flavomarginatus Vlasak & al., 2020 : 356
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- color photo, paratype, ♀ ; color photo, holotype, ♂ ; ...
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Ecuador, Pichincha : Mindo (El Séptimo Paraíso Hotel)
Anisopodus arachnoides (Audinet-Serville, 1835) : 358 [ div ]details
Anisopodus arachnoides (Audinet-Serville, 1835) : 358
General information
- distinctive characters
Anisopodus batesi Gilmour, 1965 : 358 [ div ]details
Anisopodus batesi Gilmour, 1965 : 358
General information
- distinctive characters
Anisopodus andicola Kirsch, 1889 : 358 [ div ]details
Anisopodus andicola Kirsch, 1889 : 358
General information
- distinctive characters
Anisopodus hiekei Martins, 1974 : 358 [ div ]details
Anisopodus hiekei Martins, 1974 : 358
General information
- distinctive characters
Anisopodus sparsus Bates, 1863 : 358 [ div ]details
Anisopodus sparsus Bates, 1863 : 358
General information
- distinctive characters
Anisopodus subarmatus Melzer, 1931 : 359 [ div ] • cf. Anisopodus jaculus (Gyllenhal, 1817)details
Anisopodus subarmatus Melzer, 1931 : 359
General information
- distinctive characters
Hylettus eremita (Erichson, 1847) : 360 [ loc ill div ]details
Hylettus eremita (Erichson, 1847) : 360
General information
- remark
- color photo, ♀ ; color photo, ♂
- Bolivia, Potosí : Caranani, 1300m
- Colombia, Boyacá : Otanche, 5.736631 / -74.218591
- Colombia, Tolima : Espinal, 4°09'10''N / 74°53'19''W, 322 m
- Peru, Junin : Chanchamayo
- Venezuela, Aragua : Rancho Grande, 1,100 m
Astynomus sallei Candeze, 1861 : 361 [ div ] • cf. Hylettus eremita (Erichson, 1847)details
Astynomus sallei Candeze, 1861 : 361
General information
- remark
Hylettus decorticans Bates, 1864 : 361 [ ill div ] • cf. Hylettus eremita (Erichson, 1847)details
Hylettus decorticans Bates, 1864 : 361
General information
- remark
- color photo, holotype, ♂
Leptocometes brevicornis Vlasak & al., 2020 : 361 [ nov loc ill div ]details
Leptocometes brevicornis Vlasak & al., 2020 : 361
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- color photo, holotype, ♂ ; ...
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Ecuador, Pichincha : Quito (around Cotopaxi Pungo Finca Hotel)
Leptocometes Bates, 1881 : 363 [ div ]details
Leptocometes Bates, 1881 : 363
General information
- distinctive characters ; remark
Onalcidion Thomson, 1864 : 363 [ div ]details
Onalcidion Thomson, 1864 : 363
General information
- distinctive characters ; remark
Leptocometes hispidus Bates, 1881 : 364 [ ill div ]details
Leptocometes hispidus Bates, 1881 : 364
General information
- distinctive characters
- color photo, holotype, ♂
Leptocometes umbrosus (Thomson, 1864) : 364 [ ill div ]details
Leptocometes umbrosus (Thomson, 1864) : 364
General information
- distinctive characters
- color photo, holotype, ♂