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- List of citations
Bi & al., 2020
Information about publication
Bi, W.-X. & Chen, C.-C. & Lin, M.-Y.
Notes on the tribe Petrognathini Blanchard, 1845 from China, with description of a new species from Yunnan (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae)
Bi, W.-X. & Chen, C.-C. & Lin, M.-Y. • 2020
- Zootaxa, Auckland
- 4732 (3) : 453-460, 21 fig.
List of citations
6 recorded citations
PETROGNATHINI Blanchard, 1845 : 454 [ div ]details
PETROGNATHINI Blanchard, 1845 : 454
General information
- description
Ithocritus Lacordaire, 1872 : 454, 459 [ div ]details
Ithocritus Lacordaire, 1872 : 454, 459
General information
- distinctive characters ; remark
Ithocritus ruber (Hope, 1839) : 454, 457 [ loc ill div ]details
Ithocritus ruber (Hope, 1839) : 454, 457
General information
- description
- color photo, ♂ ; color photo, ♀ ; ...
- Bangladesh, Silhet
- China, Xizang : Motuo, Baricun, 1850m ; Linzhi City, Mêdog County, Dexingxiang, Yarang ),(),(),(),(power station, 29.27022°N, 95.248532°E, alt. 706m
- China, Yunnan : Longchuan, Husa Xiang, 24.358315°N, 97.834079°E, alt. 1353m ; Gongshan, Maku, 1200m ; -, 1500m
- India, West Bengal
- India, Sikim
- India, Assam
- India, Meghalaya
- Nepal
- Myanmar : Kachin, Mandaley
Ithocritus similis Bi & al., 2020 : 455 [ nov loc ill div ]details
Ithocritus similis Bi & al., 2020 : 455
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- color photo, ♂ ; color photo, ♀ ; ...
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] China, Yunnan : Gongshan, Dulongjiang, Maku, 1500m
- China, Yunnan : Gongshan, Dulongjiangxiang, 1480m
Falsimalmus Breuning, 1956 : 457 [ div ]details
Falsimalmus Breuning, 1956 : 457
General information
- distinctive characters ; remark
Falsimalmus niger Breuning, 1956 : 459 [ loc ill div ]details
Falsimalmus niger Breuning, 1956 : 459
General information
- description
- color photo, ♂ ; ...
- China, Yunnan : Yingjiang, Nabang, 473m
- Myanmar : Dawna ; Tenasserim
- Thailand : Chiang Mai
- Laos : Ventiane