Page Content
- List of citations
Galileo & al., 2016
Information about publication
Galileo, M.H.M. & Santos-Silva, A. & Bezark, L.G.
New Ecuadorian Lamiinae (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
Galileo, M.H.M. & Santos-Silva, A. & Bezark, L.G. • 2016
- Can. Entomol.
- 149 : 26-37, 13 fig.
List of citations
26 recorded citations
Blabia albosetosa Galileo & al., 2016 : 26 [ nov loc ill div ]details
Blabia albosetosa Galileo & al., 2016 : 26
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- color photo, holotype, ♂ ; ...
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Ecuador, Napo : 3-5 km E Cosanga [0°34'33''S/77° 52'3]
- Ecuador : 1 km W Cosanga
Blabia costaricensis Breuning, 1943 : 29 [ div ]details
Blabia costaricensis Breuning, 1943 : 29
General information
- distinctive characters
Blabia similis (Breuning, 1940) : 29 [ div ]details
Blabia similis (Breuning, 1940) : 29
General information
- distinctive characters
Blabia Thomson, 1864 : 29, 30 [ key div ]details
Blabia Thomson, 1864 : 29, 30
General information
- distinctive characters ; part key
Blabia masoni (Aurivillius, 1927) : 29 [ div ]details
Blabia masoni (Aurivillius, 1927) : 29
General information
- distinctive characters
- Colombia
Alloblabia Galileo & al., 2016 : 29 [ nov div ]details
Alloblabia Galileo & al., 2016 : 29
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- new taxon/name
Malthonea Thomson, 1864 : 30 [ div ]details
Malthonea Thomson, 1864 : 30
General information
- distinctive characters
Alloblabia praecipua Galileo & al., 2016 : 30 [ nov loc ill div des ]details
Alloblabia praecipua Galileo & al., 2016 : 30
General information
- description
- color photo, ♂ ; ...
- new taxon/name
- designation
- [locality type] Ecuador, Pichincha : Maquipucuna Biological Reserve (00°08'N/78°35'W, 1350 m)
Alical Galileo & al., 2016 : 32 [ nov div ]details
Alical Galileo & al., 2016 : 32
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- new taxon/name
Callisema Martins & Galileo, 1990 : 32 [ div ]details
Callisema Martins & Galileo, 1990 : 32
General information
- distinctive characters
Anapsicomus Galileo & Martins, 1988 : 32 [ div ]details
Anapsicomus Galileo & Martins, 1988 : 32
General information
- distinctive characters
Ardeocomus Galileo & Martins, 1988 : 32 [ div ]details
Ardeocomus Galileo & Martins, 1988 : 32
General information
- distinctive characters
Zenicomus Thomson, 1868 : 32 [ div ]details
Zenicomus Thomson, 1868 : 32
General information
- distinctive characters
Micatocomus Galileo & Martins, 1988 : 32 [ div ]details
Micatocomus Galileo & Martins, 1988 : 32
General information
- distinctive characters
Callia Audinet-Serville, 1835 : 32 [ div ]details
Callia Audinet-Serville, 1835 : 32
General information
- distinctive characters
Ardeocomus Galileo & Martins, 1988 : 32 [ div ]details
Ardeocomus Galileo & Martins, 1988 : 32
General information
- distinctive characters
Graminea Thomson, 1864 : 32 [ div ]details
Graminea Thomson, 1864 : 32
General information
- distinctive characters
Cicatricallia Martins & Galileo, 2012 : 32 [ div ]details
Cicatricallia Martins & Galileo, 2012 : 32
General information
- distinctive characters
CALLIINI Thomson, 1864 : 32 [ key ]details
CALLIINI Thomson, 1864 : 32
General information
- part key
Alical tuberculatus Galileo & al., 2016 : 32 [ nov loc ill div des ]details
Alical tuberculatus Galileo & al., 2016 : 32
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- color photo, holotype, ♂ ; ...
- new taxon/name
- designation
- [locality type] Ecuador, Orellana : 16 km W Coca [0°27'59''S/76°59'14''W]
Piola schiffi Galileo & al., 2016 : 35 [ nov loc ill div ]details
Piola schiffi Galileo & al., 2016 : 35
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- color photo, holotype, ♂ ; ...
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Ecuador, Manabi : 5 km S Monticristi [1°2'45''S/80°39'32''W]
- Ecuador, Manabi : vicinity of La Pila (200 m; 01.11198/80.58068)
Piola rubra Martins & Galileo, 1999 : 36 [ div ]details
Piola rubra Martins & Galileo, 1999 : 36
General information
- distinctive characters
- Bolivia
Piola Marinoni, 1974 : 36 [ key ]details
Piola Marinoni, 1974 : 36
General information
- key
Piola unicolor Martins & Galileo, 1999 : 36 [ div ]details
Piola unicolor Martins & Galileo, 1999 : 36
General information
- distinctive characters
- Brazil, Pará
Piola colombica Martins & Galileo, 1999 : 36 [ div ]details
Piola colombica Martins & Galileo, 1999 : 36
General information
- distinctive characters
- Colombia
Piola quiabentiae Marinoni, 1974 : 36 [ div ]details
Piola quiabentiae Marinoni, 1974 : 36
General information
- distinctive characters
- Bolivia
- Brazil, Mato Grosso
- Brazil, Mato Grosso do Sul
- Brazil, Maranhão
- Brazil, São Paulo
- Paraguay
- Argentina