Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae

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  • List of citations

Withaar, 2013

Information about publication

Withaar, G.

Four new species of the genus Tmesisternus Latreille,1829 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae, Tmesisternini) from Papua and Sulawesi

Withaar, G. • 2013

  • Suara Serangga Papua
  • 7 (3) : 72-82, 8 fig.

List of citations

4 recorded citations

  • Tmesisternus wasiorensis Withaar, 2013 : 73 [ nov loc ill div ]

    Tmesisternus wasiorensis Withaar, 2013 : 73

    General information

    • description ; distinctive characters
    • color photo, holotype, ♂ ; ...
    • new taxon/name


    • [locality type] Indonesia, Papua : Nabire, Geelvink bay
    • Indonesia, Papua : Wandammen, Wasior
  • Tmesisternus mokwamensis Withaar, 2013 : 74 [ nov loc ill div ]

    Tmesisternus mokwamensis Withaar, 2013 : 74

    General information

    • description ; distinctive characters
    • color photo, holotype, ♂ ; ...
    • new taxon/name


    • [locality type] Indonesia, Papua : Birdshead
    • Indonesia, Papua : Arfak mnts. Mokwam, 1400-1800m ; Birdshed, W of Ransiki, 1440 m
  • Tmesisternus glabrum Withaar, 2013 : 75 [ nov loc ill div ]

    Tmesisternus glabrum Withaar, 2013 : 75

    General information

    • description ; distinctive characters
    • color photo, holotype, ♀ ; ...
    • new taxon/name


    • [locality type] Sulawesi : Pulu Pulu
  • Tmesisternus sexcostatus Withaar, 2013 : 76 [ nov loc ill div ]

    Tmesisternus sexcostatus Withaar, 2013 : 76

    General information

    • description ; distinctive characters
    • color photo, holotype, ♂ ; ...
    • new taxon/name


    • [locality type] Sulawesi : Pulu Pulu