Page Content
- List of citations
Casari, 2016
Information about publication
Casari, S.A.
Morphology of Immatures of Acanthoderini (Cerambycidae, Lamiinae)
Casari, S.A. • 2016
- Zootaxa, Auckland
- 4139 (1) : 32-50
List of citations
8 recorded citations
Oreodera glauca (Linnaeus, 1758) : 33 [ loc plh ill div ] • cf. Oreodera glauca glauca (Linnaeus, 1758)details
Oreodera glauca (Linnaeus, 1758) : 33
General information
- description
- black and white drawing ; color photo
- host plant
- Brazil, Pará : Santo Antonio do Tauá
Oreodera Audinet-Serville, 1835 : 35 [ div ]details
Oreodera Audinet-Serville, 1835 : 35
General information
- description
Psapharochrus cylindricus (Bates, 1861) : 36 [ loc ill div ] • cf. Aegomorphus cylindricus (Bates, 1861)details
Psapharochrus cylindricus (Bates, 1861) : 36
General information
- description
- black and white drawing ; color photo
- Brazil, Minas Gerais : Santa Bárbara (Serra do Caraça)
- Brazil, São Paulo : Cotia, (Estrada da Caucaia) ; 8754); Guapiara (Faz. Intervales, Monte Rosa) ; Nazaré Paulista ; 8694); Salesópolis (Guaratuba)
Psapharochrus jaspideus (Germar, 1824) : 38 [ loc ill div ] • cf. Aegomorphus jaspideus (Germar, 1824)details
Psapharochrus jaspideus (Germar, 1824) : 38
General information
- description
- black and white drawing ; color photo
- Brazil, São Paulo : Peruíbe (Estr[ada] Grajaú) ; São Paulo, (Ipiranga) ; - (Vila Bertioga)
Psapharochrus vetustus (Bates, 1880) : 41 [ loc ill div ] • cf. Aegomorphus vetustus (Bates, 1880)details
Psapharochrus vetustus (Bates, 1880) : 41
General information
- description
- black and white drawing ; color photo
- Brazil, São Paulo : Guapiara (Fazenda Intervales) ; Parelheiros
Psapharochrus Thomson, 1864 : 43 [ div ] • cf. Aegomorphus Haldeman, 1847details
Psapharochrus Thomson, 1864 : 43
General information
- description
Steirastoma stellio Pascoe, 1866 : 44 [ loc ill div ]details
Steirastoma stellio Pascoe, 1866 : 44
General information
- description
- black and white drawing ; color photo
- Brazil, São Paulo : Peruíbe
ACANTHODERINI Thomson, 1860 : 48 [ div ]details
ACANTHODERINI Thomson, 1860 : 48
General information
- description