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- List of citations
Vives, 2015
Information about publication
Vives, E.
New or interesting Cerambycidae from the Philippines (Part XIII), Révision del género Pseudabryna Schultze, 1916 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae)
Vives, E. • 2015 article
- Les Cahiers Magellanes
- n.s., 20 : 1-7, 6 fig.
List of citations
5 recorded citations
Pseudabryna Schultze, 1916 : 1 [ key div ]details
Pseudabryna Schultze, 1916 : 1
General information
- description ; key
Pseudabryna luzonica Schultze, 1916 : 3 [ loc ill div ]details
Pseudabryna luzonica Schultze, 1916 : 3
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- color photo, ♂ ; color photo, ♂, part
- Nord Luzon : Benguet, Berg Santo Tomas
- Nord Luzon (North) : Mountain Prov. ; Mt Polis
Pseudabryna hieroglyphica Schultze, 1934 : 3, 4 [ loc ill div ]details
Pseudabryna hieroglyphica Schultze, 1934 : 3, 4
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- color photo, ♂, part ; color photo, ♂
- Filipinas, Luzon : N. Vizcaya Province, Balete
- Nord Luzon : Nueva Vizcaya
- Nord Luzon (N.) : N. Vizcaya, Basilan ; N. Vizcaya ; Balance, Nueva Vizcaya
Pseudabryna aurorana (Vives, 2009) : 3, 5 [ ill div ]details
Pseudabryna aurorana (Vives, 2009) : 3, 5
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- color photo, holotype, ♂ ; color photo, ♂, part
- Filipinas, Luzon : Sierra Madre, Aurora
Pseudabryna quatuordecimmaculata (Breuning, 1947) : 3, 6 [ ill div ]details
Pseudabryna quatuordecimmaculata (Breuning, 1947) : 3, 6
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- color photo, ♂, part ; color photo, holotype, ♂
- Filipinas, Luzon : Cap Engano