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- List of citations
Rapuzzi & Sama, 2012
Information about publication
Rapuzzi, P. & Sama, G.
New taxa and new records of Longhorn-Beetles from Eastern Mediterranean Region (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
Rapuzzi, P. & Sama, G. • 2012
- Munis Entomology & Zoology, Ankara
- 7 (2) : 663-690, 23 fig.
List of citations
10 recorded citations (publication not or partly analyzed)
Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) etruscum bravardi Pic, 1916 : 217
Agapanthia osmanlis Reiche & Saulcy, 1858 : 672, 674, 676, 677 [ plh ill div ] • cf. Agapanthia (Smaragdula) osmanlis Reiche & Saulcy, 1858
Agapanthia ozdikmeni Rapuzzi & Sama, 2012 : 673 [ nov loc plh ill div ] • cf. Agapanthia (Smaragdula) ozdikmeni Rapuzzi & Sama, 2012details
Agapanthia ozdikmeni Rapuzzi & Sama, 2012 : 673
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- color photo, holotype, ♂
- new taxon/name
- host plant
- [locality type] Turkey : Tunceli prov., 46 Km N Tunceli, 1086 m
- Turkey : Tunceli prov., 5 km NW of Pülumur ; 2-7 km NW of Pülumur ; 14 Km N ),(),(),(Pülümür ; 1 Km S Pülümü
Agapanthia viti Rapuzzi & Sama, 2012 : 675 [ nov loc plh ill div ] • cf. Agapanthia (Smaragdula) viti Rapuzzi & Sama, 2012details
Agapanthia viti Rapuzzi & Sama, 2012 : 675
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- color photo, holotype, ♂
- new taxon/name
- host plant
- [locality type] Hungary : Baks
- Serbia : 50 Km S Beograd, 80 m ; 30 Km W Belgrad ; 40 Km N Beograd ; N Belgrad ; 80 Km NW Belgrad
- Slovakia : Kamenin, NPR Kam. Slanis
- Hungary : Blatorbagy ; Vytnied ; Veszprém-m., Pénžesgyör Gerence-völgy
Agapanthia naciyae Rapuzzi & Sama, 2012 : 676 [ nov loc plh ill div ] • cf. Agapanthia (Smaragdula) naciyae Rapuzzi & Sama, 2012details
Agapanthia naciyae Rapuzzi & Sama, 2012 : 676
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- color photo, holotype, ♂
- new taxon/name
- host plant
- [locality type] Turkey : Erzincan prov., 12 Km W Refahiye, 1589 m
Deroplia genei konvickai Rapuzzi & Sama, 2012 : 677 [ nov loc ill div ] • cf. Deroplia (Deroplia) genei konvickai Rapuzzi & Sama, 2012details
Deroplia genei konvickai Rapuzzi & Sama, 2012 : 677
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- color photo, holotype, ♀
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Cyprus : Akamas-Neo, Chorio
- Cyprus : Paphos prov., Yialia
Pogonocherus barbarae Rapuzzi & Sama, 2012 : 678 [ nov loc plh ill div ] • cf. Pogonocherus (Pogonocherus) barbarae Rapuzzi & Sama, 2012details
Pogonocherus barbarae Rapuzzi & Sama, 2012 : 678
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- color photo, holotype, ♂
- new taxon/name
- host plant
- Turkey : Hatay, Nur Daglari, 1150 m., E Dortyol, Topaktas vill.
Pogonocherus ehdenensis Sama & Rapuzzi, 2000 : 679 [ div ] • cf. Pogonocherus (Pityphilus) ehdenensis Sama & Rapuzzi, 2000details
Pogonocherus ehdenensis Sama & Rapuzzi, 2000 : 679
General information
- distinctive characters
Leiopus lisae Rapuzzi & Sama, 2012 : 679 [ nov loc plh ill div ] • cf. Leiopus (Leiopus) lisae Rapuzzi & Sama, 2012details
Leiopus lisae Rapuzzi & Sama, 2012 : 679
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- color photo, holotype, ♂
- new taxon/name
- host plant
- [locality type] Turkey : Tunceli prov., 46 km N Tunceli, 1086 m
Leiopus syriacus abieticola Sama & al., 2010 : 680 [ div ] • cf. Leiopus (Leiopus) syriacus abieticola Sama & al., 2010details
Leiopus syriacus abieticola Sama & al., 2010 : 680
General information
- distinctive characters