Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae

Page Content

  • List of citations

Monné & Machado, 2009

Information about publication

Monné, M.A. & Machado, V.S.

Nomenclatural notes in Neotropical Acanthocinini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)

Monné, M.A. & Machado, V.S. • 2009

  • Zootaxa, Auckland
  • 2204 : 67-68, 1 fig.

List of citations

8 recorded citations

  • Hylettus hiekei Fuchs, 1970 : 67 [ div syn ]

    Hylettus hiekei Fuchs, 1970 : 67

    General information

    • distinctive characters ; remark
    • synonymy


    • Colombia
    • Ecuador
  • Hylettus hiekei = Hylettus viridis Monné, 1998 : 67 • cf. Hylettus hiekei Fuchs, 1970
  • Hylettus excelsus (Bates, 1864) : 67 [ div ]

    Hylettus excelsus (Bates, 1864) : 67

    General information

    • distinctive characters
  • Nyssodrysternum Gilmour, 1960 : 67 [ div syn ]

    Nyssodrysternum Gilmour, 1960 : 67

    General information

    • remark
    • synonymy
  • Nyssodrysternum = Pseudoleiopus Breuning, 1970 : 67 • cf. Nyssodrysternum Gilmour, 1960
  • Nyssodrysternum borneanum (Breuning, 1970) : 67 [ ill syn ]

    Nyssodrysternum borneanum (Breuning, 1970) : 67

    General information

    • color photo, holotype
    • synonymy
  • Pseudoleiopus borneana = Nyssodrysternum lemniscatum Monné, 1985 : 67 • cf. Nyssodrysternum borneanum (Breuning, 1970)
  • Pseudoleiopus borneanus Breuning, 1970 : 68 [ syn ] • cf. Nyssodrysternum borneanum (Breuning, 1970)

    Pseudoleiopus borneanus Breuning, 1970 : 68

    General information

    • synonymy