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Petch, C.E.
C.E. Petch contributed to the knowledge of Lamiinae in 4 publications
Petch, 1930 • Can. Dept. Agric. Circ. • 73 : 1-4
The round-headed apple tree borer (Saperda candida) and its control -
Petch, 1929 • Annual Rep. Entom. Soc. Ontario • 59th : 17-18
Insects of the season 1928 in Quebec -
Petch, 1928 • Sci. Agric. • 8 (9) : 560-566, 4 fig.
Experiments in the control of the round-headed apple tree borere (Saperda candida Fab.) with calcium cyanide -
Petch, 1913 • Annual Rep. Entom. Soc. Ontario • 43rd : 72-75, 3 fig.
Insects of Quebec for the year 1912