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Maranhao, Z.C.
Z.C. Maranhao contributed to the knowledge of Lamiinae in 3 publications
Maranhao, 1968 • Anais I Reun. anual Soc. Ent. Bras. • 5-6
Notas biológicas sôbre o Hypsioma gibbera Serv., 1835 (Col., Ceramb., Lamiinae) -
Maranhao, 1962 • Bolm Did. Esc. Sup. Agric. Luiz de Queiroz • 1 : 1-17, 4 fig.
Brocas -
Maranhao, 1939 • O Campo • 10 (109) : 50, 2 fig.
Os verdadeiros serra-paus ou serradores