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Kozlov, P.K.
P.K. Kozlov contributed to the knowledge of Lamiinae in 3 publications
Kozlov, 1923 • St. Publ. H., Moscow-Petrograd • 1-678, 4 m.
Mongolia and Amro and dead city Khara-Khoto, Expedition of Russian Geographical Society to the mountain Asia of P.K. Kozlov, a honorary member of R.G.S. 1907-1909 -
Kozlov, 1905 • Arch. Exped. Imp. Russ. Geogr. Soc. • 1 : 1-256, 3 m.
Along Mongolia to the borders of Tibet, Mongolia and Kam., Archives of the espedition of Imp. Russ. Geogr. Soc. Made in 1899-1901 with the leadership of P.K. Kozlov -
Kozlov, 1902 • Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. Imp. Sc. St. Pétersbourg • 7 : 20-28
Itinéraires de l'expédition au Tibet 1899-1901, entreprise sous les auspices de la Société Impériale Russe de Géographie et sous le commandement du Lieutenant P.K. Kozlov