Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae

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Ivie, M.A.

M.A. Ivie contributed to the knowledge of Lamiinae in 5 publications


  • Hart & al., 2013 • The Coleopts. Bull. • 67 (2) : 133-148, 10 fig.
    A Checklist of the Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) of Montana, USA, with Distribution Maps
  • Etzler & al., 2013 • The Coleopts. Bull. • 67 (1) : 46-49
    Use of morphology and CO1 barcoding to test the validity of Tetraopes huetheri Skillman (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
  • Browne & al., 1993 • Trop. Zool. • 6 : 27-53, 5 fig.
    The Longhorn beetles (Coleoptera Cerambycidae) of the Bahama Islands with an analysis of species-area relationships, distribution patterns, origin of the fauna and an annotated species list
  • Ivie, 1985 • The Pan-Pacif. Entomol. • 61 (4) : 315-317
    Synonymy in West Indian Lamiinae (Cerambycidae)
  • Ivie & Chemsak, 1983 • The Coleopts. Bull. • 37 (3) : 199-202
    Synonymy in West Indian Ecyrus LeConte (Cerambycidae: Lamiinae: Pogonocherini)