Cymatura of Paleotropical region
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C. albomaculata of Paleotropical reg.
C. bifasciata of Paleotropical reg.
C. bizonata of Paleotropical reg.
C. brittoni of Paleotropical reg.
C. fasciata of Paleotropical reg.
C. holonigra of Paleotropical reg.
C. itzingeri of Paleotropical reg.
C. mabokensis of Paleotropical reg.
C. manowi of Paleotropical reg.
C. mechowi of Paleotropical reg.
C. mucorea of Paleotropical reg.
C. nigra of Paleotropical reg.
C. nyassica of Paleotropical reg.
C. orientalis of Paleotropical reg.
C. spumans of Paleotropical reg.
C. strandi of Paleotropical reg.
C. tarsalis of Paleotropical reg.
C. wallabergeri of Paleotropical reg.