Eunidia of East Africa region
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E. adlbaueri of East Africa reg.
E. aethiopica of East Africa reg.
E. affinis of East Africa reg.
E. albopicta of East Africa reg.
E. allardi of East Africa reg.
E. alternata of East Africa reg.
E. amaniana of East Africa reg.
E. angolana of East Africa reg.
E. annulata of East Africa reg.
E. anteflava of East Africa reg.
E. apicefusca of East Africa reg.
E. aspersa of East Africa reg.
E. aureicollis of East Africa reg.
E. bella of East Africa reg.
E. bifasciata of East Africa reg.
E. bifuscoplagiata of East Africa reg.
E. bigriseovittata of East Africa reg.
E. bjornstadi of East Africa reg.
E. bremeri of East Africa reg.
E. breuningiae of East Africa reg.
E. brunneopunctata of East Africa reg.
E. brunneovittata of East Africa reg.
E. brunneovittipennis of East Africa reg.
E. caffra of East Africa reg.
E. castanoptera of East Africa reg.
E. cordifera of East Africa reg.
E. crassicornis of East Africa reg.
E. cruciata of East Africa reg.
E. cyanoptera of East Africa reg.
E. cylindrica of East Africa reg.
E. deceptrix of East Africa reg.
E. decorata of East Africa reg.
E. delkeskampi of East Africa reg.
E. densealbosparsa of East Africa reg.
E. dilacerata of East Africa reg.
E. discomaculata of East Africa reg.
E. discounivittata of East Africa reg.
E. dolosa of East Africa reg.
E. dolosoides of East Africa reg.
E. duffyana of East Africa reg.
E. elongata of East Africa reg.
E. euzonata of East Africa reg.
E. fallaciosa of East Africa reg.
E. fasciata of East Africa reg.
E. flavicans of East Africa reg.
E. flavoapicata of East Africa reg.
E. flavomarmorata of East Africa reg.
E. flavopicta of East Africa reg.
E. flavovittata of East Africa reg.
E. forticornis of East Africa reg.
E. fusca of East Africa reg.
E. fuscomaculata of East Africa reg.
E. fuscomarmorata of East Africa reg.
E. fuscostictica of East Africa reg.
E. fuscovittata of East Africa reg.
E. fuscovitticollis of East Africa reg.
E. gracilis of East Africa reg.
E. griseolineata of East Africa reg.
E. guttulata of East Africa reg.
E. haplotrita of East Africa reg.
E. holofusca of East Africa reg.
E. hovorkai of East Africa reg.
E. idactiformis of East Africa reg.
E. indistincta of East Africa reg.
E. infirma of East Africa reg.
E. kivuana of East Africa reg.
E. kristenseni of East Africa reg.
E. laterialba of East Africa reg.
E. lindblomi of East Africa reg.
E. lineata of East Africa reg.
E. lineatoides of East Africa reg.
E. lizleri of East Africa reg.
E. lomii of East Africa reg.
E. luteovittata of East Africa reg.
E. macrophthalma of East Africa reg.
E. magnoculi of East Africa reg.
E. marmorea of East Africa reg.
E. mediomaculata of East Africa reg.
E. mediosignata of East Africa reg.
E. meleagris of East Africa reg.
E. minettii of East Africa reg.
E. minima of East Africa reg.
E. minor of East Africa reg.
E. mombasae of East Africa reg.
E. mourgliae of East Africa reg.
E. mourgliana of East Africa reg.
E. mucorea of East Africa reg.
E. nebulosa of East Africa reg.
E. nigricans of East Africa reg.
E. nigrolateralis of East Africa reg.
E. nigromaculata of East Africa reg.
E. nigrosignata of East Africa reg.
E. nigroterminata of East Africa reg.
E. nigrovittata of East Africa reg.
E. obliquevittipennis of East Africa reg.
E. obliquevittulipennis of East Africa reg.
E. ochreomarmorata of East Africa reg.
E. paramarmorata of East Africa reg.
E. paraspilota of East Africa reg.
E. pilicornis of East Africa reg.
E. piperita of East Africa reg.
E. plagiata of East Africa reg.
E. postfasciata of East Africa reg.
E. propinqua of East Africa reg.
E. pseudocastanoptera of East Africa reg.
E. pseudosocia of East Africa reg.
E. pulchra of East Africa reg.
E. pygmaea of East Africa reg.
E. quadrialbovittata of East Africa reg.
E. quadricincta of East Africa reg.
E. quadrivittata of East Africa reg.
E. raffrayi of East Africa reg.
E. rufescens of East Africa reg.
E. rufolineata of East Africa reg.
E. rufuloides of East Africa reg.
E. scorteccii of East Africa reg.
E. scotti of East Africa reg.
E. semirufa of East Africa reg.
E. semirufula of East Africa reg.
E. setosa of East Africa reg.
E. sexplagiata of East Africa reg.
E. socia of East Africa reg.
E. spilota of East Africa reg.
E. spilotoides of East Africa reg.
E. stramentosipennis of East Africa reg.
E. subfasciata of East Africa reg.
E. subpygmaea of East Africa reg.
E. subteralba of East Africa reg.
E. subtergrisea of East Africa reg.
E. subtessalata of East Africa reg.
E. subtimida of East Africa reg.
E. sulphurea of East Africa reg.
E. suturealba of East Africa reg.
E. tanzanicola of East Africa reg.
E. thomseni of East Africa reg.
E. trialbofasciata of East Africa reg.
E. trifasciata of East Africa reg.
E. trivittata of East Africa reg.
E. tubericollis of East Africa reg.
E. ugandicola of East Africa reg.
E. unicoloricornis of East Africa reg.
E. vagemarmorata of East Africa reg.
E. vansomima of East Africa reg.