Bacchisa (Bacchisa) of Paleotropical region
Browse the plates of the latest images or at random or in catalog mode but of course some are incomplete
plate • B. (B.) of Indochinese reg.
plate • B. (B.) of Indomalayan reg.
plate • B. (B.) of Philippines reg.
B. (B.) albicornis of Paleotropical reg.
B. (B.) andamanensis of Paleotropical reg.
B. (B.) argenteifrons of Paleotropical reg.
B. (B.) atricornis of Paleotropical reg.
B. (B.) aureosetosa of Paleotropical reg.
B. (B.) basalis of Paleotropical reg.
B. (B.) bicolor of Paleotropical reg.
B. (B.) bicoloripennis of Paleotropical reg.
B. (B.) coronata of Paleotropical reg.
B. (B.) cristata of Paleotropical reg.
B. (B.) curticornis of Paleotropical reg.
B. (B.) cyanicollis of Paleotropical reg.
B. (B.) dapsilis of Paleotropical reg.
B. (B.) dilecta of Paleotropical reg.
B. (B.) discoidalis of Paleotropical reg.
B. (B.) flavescens of Paleotropical reg.
B. (B.) fortunei of Paleotropical reg.
B. (B.) frontalis of Paleotropical reg.
B. (B.) fruhstorferi of Paleotropical reg.
B. (B.) guerryi of Paleotropical reg.
B. (B.) humeralis of Paleotropical reg.
B. (B.) laevicollis of Paleotropical reg.
B. (B.) medioviolacea of Paleotropical reg.
B. (B.) melanura of Paleotropical reg.
B. (B.) mindanaonis of Paleotropical reg.
B. (B.) nigricornis of Paleotropical reg.
B. (B.) nigriventris of Paleotropical reg.
B. (B.) nigroantennata of Paleotropical reg.
B. (B.) nigroapicipennis of Paleotropical reg.
B. (B.) nigrosternalis of Paleotropical reg.
B. (B.) pallidiventris of Paleotropical reg.
B. (B.) partenigricornis of Paleotropical reg.
B. (B.) parvula of Paleotropical reg.
B. (B.) penicillata of Paleotropical reg.
B. (B.) perakensis of Paleotropical reg.
B. (B.) pouangpethi of Paleotropical reg.
B. (B.) pseudobasalis of Paleotropical reg.
B. (B.) punctata of Paleotropical reg.
B. (B.) sabahana of Paleotropical reg.
B. (B.) siamensis of Paleotropical reg.
B. (B.) subannulicornis of Paleotropical reg.
B. (B.) subpallidiventris of Paleotropical reg.
B. (B.) sumatrensis of Paleotropical reg.
B. (B.) testacea of Paleotropical reg.
B. (B.) tonkinensis of Paleotropical reg.
B. (B.) transversefasciata of Paleotropical reg.
B. (B.) unicolor of Paleotropical reg.
B. (B.) violacea of Paleotropical reg.
B. (B.) violaceoapicalis of Paleotropical reg.