Cacia (Ipocregyes) of SE Asia
Browse the plates of the latest images or at random or in catalog mode but of course some are incomplete
C. (I.) of Borneo
C. (I.) of Cambodia
C. (I.) of Java
C. (I.) of Laos
C. (I.) of Malayan Peninsula
C. (I.) of Moluccas
C. (I.) of Philippines
C. (I.) of South China
C. (I.) of Sulawesi
C. (I.) of Sumatra Is.
C. (I.) of Taiwan
C. (I.) of Vietnam
C. (I.) albocancellata of SE Asia
C. (I.) albovariegata of SE Asia
C. (I.) arisana of SE Asia
C. (I.) batoensis of SE Asia
C. (I.) beccarii of SE Asia
C. (I.) binaluanica of SE Asia
C. (I.) bituberosa of SE Asia
C. (I.) brunnea of SE Asia
C. (I.) butuana of SE Asia
C. (I.) cephaloides of SE Asia
C. (I.) cephalotes of SE Asia
C. (I.) colambugana of SE Asia
C. (I.) dohertyana of SE Asia
C. (I.) flavipennis of SE Asia
C. (I.) flavomarmorata of SE Asia
C. (I.) formosana of SE Asia
C. (I.) grisescens of SE Asia
C. (I.) hieroglyphyca of SE Asia
C. (I.) imogenae of SE Asia
C. (I.) integricornis of SE Asia
C. (I.) katrinae of SE Asia
C. (I.) lacrimosa of SE Asia
C. (I.) lepesmei of SE Asia
C. (I.) malaccensis of SE Asia
C. (I.) manobo of SE Asia
C. (I.) monstrabilis of SE Asia
C. (I.) newmanni of SE Asia
C. (I.) nigrofasciata of SE Asia
C. (I.) obliquelineata of SE Asia
C. (I.) obsessa of SE Asia
C. (I.) ochreosignata of SE Asia
C. (I.) perahensis of SE Asia
C. (I.) postmediofasciata of SE Asia
C. (I.) ribbei of SE Asia
C. (I.) rosacea of SE Asia
C. (I.) scenica of SE Asia
C. (I.) sekoi of SE Asia
C. (I.) semilactea of SE Asia
C. (I.) setulosa of SE Asia
C. (I.) sibuyana of SE Asia
C. (I.) spilota of SE Asia
C. (I.) subcephalotes of SE Asia
C. (I.) subfasciata of SE Asia
C. (I.) suturefasciata of SE Asia
C. (I.) suturevittata of SE Asia
C. (I.) transversefasciata of SE Asia
C. (I.) transversopunctata of SE Asia
C. (I.) triangulifera of SE Asia
C. (I.) ulula of SE Asia
C. (I.) unda of SE Asia
C. (I.) watantakkuni of SE Asia
C. (I.) xenoceroides of SE Asia
C. (I.) yunnana of SE Asia