Pascoea of Australasian region
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P. angustana of Australasian reg.
P. bilunata of Australasian reg.
P. bimaculata of Australasian reg.
P. brunneoalba of Australasian reg.
P. coeruleogrisea of Australasian reg.
P. degenerata of Australasian reg.
P. dohrni of Australasian reg.
P. exarata of Australasian reg.
P. idae of Australasian reg.
P. meeki of Australasian reg.
P. mimica of Australasian reg.
P. parcemaculata of Australasian reg.
P. spinicollis of Australasian reg.
P. thoracica of Australasian reg.
P. torricelliana of Australasian reg.
P. undulata of Australasian reg.
P. wareoensis of Australasian reg.