Acanthocinini of Antillean region
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Acanthocinus of Antillean reg.
Alcidion of Antillean reg.
Amniscus of Antillean reg.
Anisopodus of Antillean reg.
Duocristala of Antillean reg.
Eneodes of Antillean reg.
Eugamandus of Antillean reg.
Eutrypanus of Antillean reg.
Fisherostylus of Antillean reg.
Lagocheirus of Antillean reg.
Leptocometes of Antillean reg.
Leptostylopsis of Antillean reg.
Leptostylus of Antillean reg.
Lepturgotrichona of Antillean reg.
Lethes of Antillean reg.
Lithargyrus of Antillean reg.
Luctithonus of Antillean reg.
Nealcidion of Antillean reg.
Neseuterpia of Antillean reg.
Oedopeza of Antillean reg.
Polymitoleiopus of Antillean reg.
Pygmaleptostylus of Antillean reg.
Styloleptoides of Antillean reg.
Styloleptus of Antillean reg.
Trypanidius of Antillean reg.