Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) of Palaearctic region
Browse the plates of the latest images or at random or in catalog mode but of course some are incomplete
D. (C.) abstersum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) accola of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) afflictum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) albanicum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) albolineatum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) albonotatum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) amanense of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) amphissae of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) anatolicum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) apicerufum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) apicipenne of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) arcivagum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) ardahense of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) arenarioides of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) arenarium of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) ariannae of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) artemi of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) atticum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) auratum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) axillare of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) bangi of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) banjkovskyi of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) basale of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) beckeri of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) beloni of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) berytense of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) biforme of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) bisignatum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) bistriatum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) bithyniense of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) blanchardi of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) blandulus of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) bodemeyeri of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) boluense of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) borisi of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) boszdaghense of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) boucardi of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) bouilloni of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) brauni of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) bremeri of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) brenskei of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) breuningi of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) brunneicolle of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) brunoi of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) bulgharmaadense of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) buresi of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) cachinno of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) caprai of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) carinipenne of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) carolisturanii of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) caspiense of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) catenatum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) charlottae of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) chopardi of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) chrysochroum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) cinctellum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) cinerarium of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) cineriferum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) cingulatoides of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) cingulatum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) ciscaucasicum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) coiffaiti of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) complanatum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) condensatum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) confluens of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) corcyricum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) crassicolle of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) crux of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) culminicola of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) czegodaevi of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) czipkai of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) danczenkoi of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) darakiensis of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) daratshitshagi of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) decipiens of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) delagrangei of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) demokidovi of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) deyrollei of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) dimidiatum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) discodivisum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) divisum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) dokhtouroffi of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) drusoides of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) drusum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) elazigi of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) elbursense of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) elegans of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) enricisturanii of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) epirense of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) equestre of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) etruscum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) eugeniae of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) ferruginipes of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) formosum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) frustrator of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) funestum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) gallipolitanum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) gazanchidisi of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) glabricolle of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) glabriscapus of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) glaucum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) gorbunovi of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) gortovannyii of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) granigerum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) gusakovi of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) haemorrhoidale of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) halepense of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) hampii of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) heldreichi of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) hellmanni of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) heyrovskyi of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) hinisense of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) holosericeum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) holtzi of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) holzschuhi of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) iconiense of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) impressicolle of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) indutum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) infernale of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) inspersum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) insulare of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) invicinum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) irakense of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) iranicum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) ispartense of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) jacovleviellum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) jakovleviellum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) janatai of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) joanninae of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) johannisfranci of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) kaimakcalanum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) kalashiani of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) karamanense of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) karsense of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) kartalense of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) kasikoporanum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) kharpuensis of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) khosrovi of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) kindermanni of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) kizildagense of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) klavdiae of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) koechlini of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) koenigi of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) komarowi of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) kozanii of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) kraetschmeri of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) krueperi of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) kuldschanum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) kurdistanum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) kurucanum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) kykladicum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) ladikanum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) laeve of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) lameerei of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) lamiae of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) ledouxi of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) lianokladii of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) libanoticum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) linderi of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) lineatocolle of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) lineatopunctatum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) litigiosum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) ljubetense of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) lodosi of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) lohsei of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) longulum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) lugubre of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) macedonicum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) maceki of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) macropus of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) maljushenkoi of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) marandense of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) margheritae of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) martini of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) mediterraneum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) megriense of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) menradi of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) merkli of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) meschniggi of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) mesopotamicum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) micans of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) mimarenarium of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) minkovae of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) minutum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) mniszechi of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) moreanum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) morozovi of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) mosulense of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) multimaculatum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) murrayi of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) murzini of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) musarti of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) narlianum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) neslihanbalae of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) nigrostriatum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) nitidum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) niveisparsum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) nobile of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) nurense of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) obenbergeri of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) obtusicolle of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) obtusum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) oetalicum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) oezdurali of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) olegpaki of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) olympicola of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) olympicum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) ortrudae of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) ossae of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) paramicans of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) pararenarium of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) pararufipenne of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) parcepunctatum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) parinfernale of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) parnassi of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) pasquieri of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) pavesii of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) pedestre of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) peloponesium of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) peloponnesicum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) petrovitzi of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) pilosellum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) pilosipenne of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) pindicum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) piochardi of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) pittinorum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) pluto of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) poleti of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) ponomarenkoi of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) praetermissum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) preissi of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) pseudarcivagum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) pseudinfernale of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) pseudobithyniense of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) pseudocinctellum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) pseudoholosericeum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) pseudolineatocolle of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) pseudolugubre of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) pseudonobile of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) pseudopreissi of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) punctipenne of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) punctulicolle of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) purkynei of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) pusillum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) pygmaeum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) quadripustulatum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) rarepunctatum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) regulare of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) reitteri of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) ressli of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) rezai of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) rigattii of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) ringenbachi of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) rizeanum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) robustum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) rolandmemradti of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) rosti of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) rufoapicipenne of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) rufogenum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) salonicum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) sapkaianum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) sareptanum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) saulcyi of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) scabricolle of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) schultzei of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) scopolii of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) scrobicolle of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) semenovi of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) semiargentatum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) semibrunneum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) semilineatum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) semilucens of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) seminudum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) semivelutinum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) septemlineatum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) sericatum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) serouense of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) sevliczi of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) shestopalovi of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) shirvanicum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) sinopense of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) sinuatevittatum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) sisianense of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) skoupyorum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) smyrnense of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) sodale of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) sokolowi of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) sonjae of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) spectabile of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) spinense of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) steineri of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) stephaniae of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) striolatum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) sturmii of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) subcinctellum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) subcorpulentum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) subdivisum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) subinterruptum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) subsericatum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) sulcipenne of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) susheriense of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) syriense of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) taborskyi of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) talyschense of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) tassii of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) tauricum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) taygetanum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) tebrisicum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) tekmanense of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) theophilei of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) thessalicum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) tokatense of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) tuerki of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) tuleskovi of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) turcicum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) turkestanicum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) ullrichi of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) urmianum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) variegatum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) veluchense of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) vincenzae of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) wagneri of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) wewalkai of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) weyersii of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) xerophilum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (C.) zanteanum of Palaearctic reg.