Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) of Greece
Browse the plates of the latest images or at random or in catalog mode but of course some are incomplete
D. (C.) amphissae of Greece
D. (C.) ariannae of Greece
D. (C.) atticum of Greece
D. (C.) brenskei of Greece
D. (C.) breuningi of Greece
D. (C.) buresi of Greece
D. (C.) catenatum of Greece
D. (C.) charlottae of Greece
D. (C.) chrysochroum of Greece
D. (C.) corcyricum of Greece
D. (C.) crassicolle of Greece
D. (C.) divisum of Greece
D. (C.) epirense of Greece
D. (C.) equestre of Greece
D. (C.) etruscum of Greece
D. (C.) eugeniae of Greece
D. (C.) ferruginipes of Greece
D. (C.) funestum of Greece
D. (C.) gallipolitanum of Greece
D. (C.) granigerum of Greece
D. (C.) heldreichi of Greece
D. (C.) heyrovskyi of Greece
D. (C.) insulare of Greece
D. (C.) joanninae of Greece
D. (C.) johannisfranci of Greece
D. (C.) kaimakcalanum of Greece
D. (C.) kozanii of Greece
D. (C.) krueperi of Greece
D. (C.) kykladicum of Greece
D. (C.) lamiae of Greece
D. (C.) lianokladii of Greece
D. (C.) lineatocolle of Greece
D. (C.) ljubetense of Greece
D. (C.) lugubre of Greece
D. (C.) margheritae of Greece
D. (C.) meschniggi of Greece
D. (C.) mimarenarium of Greece
D. (C.) minutum of Greece
D. (C.) moreanum of Greece
D. (C.) obenbergeri of Greece
D. (C.) oetalicum of Greece
D. (C.) olympicola of Greece
D. (C.) olympicum of Greece
D. (C.) ossae of Greece
D. (C.) pararenarium of Greece
D. (C.) parinfernale of Greece
D. (C.) parnassi of Greece
D. (C.) peloponesium of Greece
D. (C.) peloponnesicum of Greece
D. (C.) petrovitzi of Greece
D. (C.) pilosellum of Greece
D. (C.) pilosipenne of Greece
D. (C.) pindicum of Greece
D. (C.) pseudolineatocolle of Greece
D. (C.) pseudolugubre of Greece
D. (C.) punctipenne of Greece
D. (C.) purkynei of Greece
D. (C.) regulare of Greece
D. (C.) salonicum of Greece
D. (C.) sapkaianum of Greece
D. (C.) septemlineatum of Greece
D. (C.) stephaniae of Greece
D. (C.) taborskyi of Greece
D. (C.) tassii of Greece
D. (C.) tauricum of Greece
D. (C.) taygetanum of Greece
D. (C.) thessalicum of Greece
D. (C.) tuleskovi of Greece
D. (C.) veluchense of Greece
D. (C.) vincenzae of Greece