Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) of Turkey
Browse the plates of the latest images or at random or in catalog mode but of course some are incomplete
D. (C.) abstersum of Turkey
D. (C.) accola of Turkey
D. (C.) afflictum of Turkey
D. (C.) albolineatum of Turkey
D. (C.) anatolicum of Turkey
D. (C.) apicerufum of Turkey
D. (C.) arcivagum of Turkey
D. (C.) ardahense of Turkey
D. (C.) bangi of Turkey
D. (C.) banjkovskyi of Turkey
D. (C.) basale of Turkey
D. (C.) beloni of Turkey
D. (C.) bisignatum of Turkey
D. (C.) bithyniense of Turkey
D. (C.) blanchardi of Turkey
D. (C.) blandulus of Turkey
D. (C.) bodemeyeri of Turkey
D. (C.) boluense of Turkey
D. (C.) boszdaghense of Turkey
D. (C.) bouilloni of Turkey
D. (C.) brauni of Turkey
D. (C.) bremeri of Turkey
D. (C.) breuningi of Turkey
D. (C.) bulgharmaadense of Turkey
D. (C.) cachinno of Turkey
D. (C.) carinipenne of Turkey
D. (C.) carolisturanii of Turkey
D. (C.) catenatum of Turkey
D. (C.) cinctellum of Turkey
D. (C.) cingulatum of Turkey
D. (C.) coiffaiti of Turkey
D. (C.) condensatum of Turkey
D. (C.) confluens of Turkey
D. (C.) crux of Turkey
D. (C.) culminicola of Turkey
D. (C.) delagrangei of Turkey
D. (C.) deyrollei of Turkey
D. (C.) dimidiatum of Turkey
D. (C.) divisum of Turkey
D. (C.) drusoides of Turkey
D. (C.) elazigi of Turkey
D. (C.) enricisturanii of Turkey
D. (C.) equestre of Turkey
D. (C.) ferruginipes of Turkey
D. (C.) formosum of Turkey
D. (C.) gallipolitanum of Turkey
D. (C.) glabricolle of Turkey
D. (C.) gortovannyii of Turkey
D. (C.) haemorrhoidale of Turkey
D. (C.) halepense of Turkey
D. (C.) hampii of Turkey
D. (C.) hellmanni of Turkey
D. (C.) hinisense of Turkey
D. (C.) holtzi of Turkey
D. (C.) holzschuhi of Turkey
D. (C.) iconiense of Turkey
D. (C.) infernale of Turkey
D. (C.) inspersum of Turkey
D. (C.) ispartense of Turkey
D. (C.) jacovleviellum of Turkey
D. (C.) jakovleviellum of Turkey
D. (C.) janatai of Turkey
D. (C.) johannisfranci of Turkey
D. (C.) karamanense of Turkey
D. (C.) karsense of Turkey
D. (C.) kartalense of Turkey
D. (C.) kasikoporanum of Turkey
D. (C.) kindermanni of Turkey
D. (C.) kizildagense of Turkey
D. (C.) kraetschmeri of Turkey
D. (C.) kurucanum of Turkey
D. (C.) ladikanum of Turkey
D. (C.) laeve of Turkey
D. (C.) lameerei of Turkey
D. (C.) ledouxi of Turkey
D. (C.) linderi of Turkey
D. (C.) lodosi of Turkey
D. (C.) lohsei of Turkey
D. (C.) longulum of Turkey
D. (C.) maceki of Turkey
D. (C.) macropus of Turkey
D. (C.) martini of Turkey
D. (C.) menradi of Turkey
D. (C.) merkli of Turkey
D. (C.) micans of Turkey
D. (C.) mniszechi of Turkey
D. (C.) multimaculatum of Turkey
D. (C.) murzini of Turkey
D. (C.) narlianum of Turkey
D. (C.) neslihanbalae of Turkey
D. (C.) nigrostriatum of Turkey
D. (C.) nitidum of Turkey
D. (C.) niveisparsum of Turkey
D. (C.) nobile of Turkey
D. (C.) obtusum of Turkey
D. (C.) oezdurali of Turkey
D. (C.) olympicum of Turkey
D. (C.) ortrudae of Turkey
D. (C.) paramicans of Turkey
D. (C.) pararufipenne of Turkey
D. (C.) pavesii of Turkey
D. (C.) petrovitzi of Turkey
D. (C.) piochardi of Turkey
D. (C.) pittinorum of Turkey
D. (C.) pluto of Turkey
D. (C.) poleti of Turkey
D. (C.) praetermissum of Turkey
D. (C.) preissi of Turkey
D. (C.) pseudarcivagum of Turkey
D. (C.) pseudinfernale of Turkey
D. (C.) pseudobithyniense of Turkey
D. (C.) pseudocinctellum of Turkey
D. (C.) pseudoholosericeum of Turkey
D. (C.) pseudopreissi of Turkey
D. (C.) punctipenne of Turkey
D. (C.) punctulicolle of Turkey
D. (C.) pygmaeum of Turkey
D. (C.) quadripustulatum of Turkey
D. (C.) rarepunctatum of Turkey
D. (C.) regulare of Turkey
D. (C.) rigattii of Turkey
D. (C.) rizeanum of Turkey
D. (C.) robustum of Turkey
D. (C.) rolandmemradti of Turkey
D. (C.) rosti of Turkey
D. (C.) rufoapicipenne of Turkey
D. (C.) saulcyi of Turkey
D. (C.) scabricolle of Turkey
D. (C.) schultzei of Turkey
D. (C.) scrobicolle of Turkey
D. (C.) semibrunneum of Turkey
D. (C.) semilineatum of Turkey
D. (C.) semivelutinum of Turkey
D. (C.) septemlineatum of Turkey
D. (C.) sinopense of Turkey
D. (C.) sinuatevittatum of Turkey
D. (C.) skoupyorum of Turkey
D. (C.) smyrnense of Turkey
D. (C.) sodale of Turkey
D. (C.) sonjae of Turkey
D. (C.) spinense of Turkey
D. (C.) steineri of Turkey
D. (C.) striolatum of Turkey
D. (C.) subcinctellum of Turkey
D. (C.) subdivisum of Turkey
D. (C.) subinterruptum of Turkey
D. (C.) subsericatum of Turkey
D. (C.) sulcipenne of Turkey
D. (C.) susheriense of Turkey
D. (C.) tauricum of Turkey
D. (C.) tekmanense of Turkey
D. (C.) theophilei of Turkey
D. (C.) tokatense of Turkey
D. (C.) turcicum of Turkey
D. (C.) ullrichi of Turkey
D. (C.) urmianum of Turkey
D. (C.) variegatum of Turkey
D. (C.) wagneri of Turkey
D. (C.) weyersii of Turkey