Onciderina of Brazil (Bahia)
Browse the plates of the latest images or at random or in catalog mode but of course some are incomplete
Apocoptoma of Brazil (Bahia)
Cacostola of Brazil (Bahia)
Cicatrodea of Brazil (Bahia)
Clavidesmus of Brazil (Bahia)
Glypthaga of Brazil (Bahia)
Hesychotypa of Brazil (Bahia)
Ischioderes of Brazil (Bahia)
Lachaerus of Brazil (Bahia)
Lesbates of Brazil (Bahia)
Lochmaeocles of Brazil (Bahia)
Oncideres of Brazil (Bahia)
Oncioderes of Brazil (Bahia)
Paratritania of Brazil (Bahia)
Pericasta of Brazil (Bahia)
Peritrox of Brazil (Bahia)
Pseudobeta of Brazil (Bahia)
Trestonia of Brazil (Bahia)
Tulcoides of Brazil (Bahia)