Acanthocinini of Nearctic region
Browse the plates of the latest images or at random or in catalog mode but of course some are incomplete
A. of Alaska
A. of Canada
A. of North Eastern United States
A. of South Eastern United States
A. of Western United States
Acanthocinus of Nearctic reg.
Alcidion of Nearctic reg.
Astyleiopus of Nearctic reg.
Astylidius of Nearctic reg.
Astylopsis of Nearctic reg.
Atrypanius of Nearctic reg.
Canidia of Nearctic reg.
Coenopoeus of Nearctic reg.
Dectes of Nearctic reg.
Eutrichillus of Nearctic reg.
Glaucotes of Nearctic reg.
Graphisurus of Nearctic reg.
Hyperplatys of Nearctic reg.
Lagocheirus of Nearctic reg.
Leptostylopsis of Nearctic reg.
Leptostylus of Nearctic reg.
Lepturges of Nearctic reg.
Mecotetartus of Nearctic reg.
Moneilema of Nearctic reg.
Neoeutrypanus of Nearctic reg.
Polymitoleiopus of Nearctic reg.
Pseudastylopsis of Nearctic reg.
Sternidius of Nearctic reg.
Sternidocinus of Nearctic reg.
Styloleptus of Nearctic reg.
Trichalphus of Nearctic reg.
Trichocanonura of Nearctic reg.
Valenus of Nearctic reg.