Acanthocinini of Paraguay
Browse the plates of the latest images or at random or in catalog mode but of course some are incomplete
Alcidion of Paraguay
Amniscites of Paraguay
Anisopodus of Paraguay
Atrypanius of Paraguay
Cosmotoma of Paraguay
Eutrypanus of Paraguay
Hylettus of Paraguay
Hyperplatys of Paraguay
Lagocheirus of Paraguay
Leptocometes of Paraguay
Leptostylus of Paraguay
Lepturgantes of Paraguay
Lepturges of Paraguay
Lophopoeum of Paraguay
Microplia of Paraguay
Nealcidion of Paraguay
Neoeutrypanus of Paraguay
Nyssodrysilla of Paraguay
Nyssodrysternum of Paraguay
Oedopeza of Paraguay
Oxathres of Paraguay
Paraprobatius of Paraguay
Pentheochaetes of Paraguay
Probatiomimus of Paraguay
Sporetus of Paraguay
Tropidozineus of Paraguay
Trypanidius of Paraguay
Xylergatoides of Paraguay