Blepephaeus of Palaearctic region
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B. fulvus of Palaearctic reg.
B. indicus of Palaearctic reg.
B. infelix of Palaearctic reg.
B. multinotatus of Palaearctic reg.
B. nepalensis of Palaearctic reg.
B. nigrofasciatus of Palaearctic reg.
B. nigrosparsus of Palaearctic reg.
B. nigrostigma of Palaearctic reg.
B. ocellatus of Palaearctic reg.
B. puae of Palaearctic reg.
B. stigmosus of Palaearctic reg.
B. subannulatus of Palaearctic reg.
B. subcruciatus of Palaearctic reg.
B. succinctor of Palaearctic reg.
B. taomeiae of Palaearctic reg.
B. variegatus of Palaearctic reg.