Apriona of Indomalayan region
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A. aphetor of Indomalayan reg.
A. brunneomarginata of Indomalayan reg.
A. cylindrica of Indomalayan reg.
A. elsa of Indomalayan reg.
A. flavescens of Indomalayan reg.
A. hageni of Indomalayan reg.
A. irma of Indomalayan reg.
A. juheli of Indomalayan reg.
A. latutuaprayai of Indomalayan reg.
A. marcusiana of Indomalayan reg.
A. moratii of Indomalayan reg.
A. munisai of Indomalayan reg.
A. neglecta of Indomalayan reg.
A. neglectissima of Indomalayan reg.
A. rixator of Indomalayan reg.
A. swainsoni of Indomalayan reg.
A. tigris of Indomalayan reg.
A. vagemaculata of Indomalayan reg.
plate • A.
plate • A. of Paleotropical region
plate • Batocerini of Indomalayan region
plate • Indomalayan region