Apomecyna (Apomecyna) of East Africa region
Browse the plates of the latest images or at random or in catalog mode but of course some are incomplete
A. (A.) of Ethiopia
A. (A.) of Kenya
A. (A.) of Rwanda
A. (A.) of Somalia
A. (A.) of Sudan
A. (A.) of Tanzania
A. (A.) of Uganda
A. (A.) acutipennis of East Africa reg.
A. (A.) albovaria of East Africa reg.
A. (A.) binubila of East Africa reg.
A. (A.) bremeri of East Africa reg.
A. (A.) collarti of East Africa reg.
A. (A.) densemaculata of East Africa reg.
A. (A.) excavata of East Africa reg.
A. (A.) flavoguttulata of East Africa reg.
A. (A.) gracillima of East Africa reg.
A. (A.) hauseri of East Africa reg.
A. (A.) latefasciata of East Africa reg.
A. (A.) longipennis of East Africa reg.
A. (A.) minima of East Africa reg.
A. (A.) nigroapicalis of East Africa reg.
A. (A.) obliquata of East Africa reg.
A. (A.) parisii of East Africa reg.
A. (A.) parumguttata of East Africa reg.
A. (A.) parumpunctata of East Africa reg.
A. (A.) quadrisignata of East Africa reg.
A. (A.) quadristicta of East Africa reg.
A. (A.) somaliensis of East Africa reg.
A. (A.) stramentosa of East Africa reg.
A. (A.) subcavifrons of East Africa reg.
A. (A.) trifasciata of East Africa reg.
A. (A.) triseriata of East Africa reg.
plate • A. (A.)
plate • A. (A.) of Africa
plate • Apomecyna of East Africa region
plate • East Africa region