Monoxenus (Dityloderus) of East Africa region
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M. (D.) aethiopicus of East Africa reg.
M. (D.) balteatus of East Africa reg.
M. (D.) balteoides of East Africa reg.
M. (D.) declivus of East Africa reg.
M. (D.) elevatus of East Africa reg.
M. (D.) elongatus of East Africa reg.
M. (D.) flavescens of East Africa reg.
M. (D.) fuliginosus of East Africa reg.
M. (D.) infraflavescens of East Africa reg.
M. (D.) kenyensis of East Africa reg.
M. (D.) maleci of East Africa reg.
M. (D.) mambojae of East Africa reg.
M. (D.) nigrofasciaticollis of East Africa reg.
M. (D.) nodosus of East Africa reg.
M. (D.) plurituberculatus of East Africa reg.
M. (D.) ruandae of East Africa reg.
M. (D.) spinosus of East Africa reg.
M. (D.) strandi of East Africa reg.
M. (D.) turrifer of East Africa reg.
M. (D.) unispinosus of East Africa reg.
M. (D.) werneri of East Africa reg.
plate • M. (D.)
plate • M. (D.) of Africa
plate • Monoxenus of East Africa region
plate • East Africa region