Hebecerus of Australasian region
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H. albescens of Australasian reg.
H. anisoceroides of Australasian reg.
H. anisocerus of Australasian reg.
H. antennatus of Australasian reg.
H. australicus of Australasian reg.
H. australis of Australasian reg.
H. basalis of Australasian reg.
H. basicristatus of Australasian reg.
H. cristatus of Australasian reg.
H. crocogaster of Australasian reg.
H. didymus of Australasian reg.
H. fasciculatus of Australasian reg.
H. fuscicornis of Australasian reg.
H. germari of Australasian reg.
H. lineola of Australasian reg.
H. longicornis of Australasian reg.
H. major of Australasian reg.
H. marginicollis of Australasian reg.
H. niphonoides of Australasian reg.
H. ochraceovittata of Australasian reg.
H. paranisocerus of Australasian reg.
H. parantennatus of Australasian reg.
H. paravaricornis of Australasian reg.
H. setosus of Australasian reg.
H. similis of Australasian reg.
H. varicornis of Australasian reg.