Dorcadion (Acutodorcadion) of Palaearctic region
Browse the plates of the latest images or at random or in catalog mode but of course some are incomplete
D. (A.) absinthium of Palaearctic reg.
D. (A.) acutispinum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (A.) alexandris of Palaearctic reg.
D. (A.) arietinum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (A.) ataense of Palaearctic reg.
D. (A.) borochorense of Palaearctic reg.
D. (A.) danilevskyi of Palaearctic reg.
D. (A.) darjae of Palaearctic reg.
D. (A.) globithorax of Palaearctic reg.
D. (A.) grande of Palaearctic reg.
D. (A.) irinae of Palaearctic reg.
D. (A.) kapchagaicum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (A.) kastekum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (A.) koramense of Palaearctic reg.
D. (A.) leopardinum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (A.) mystacinum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (A.) natali of Palaearctic reg.
D. (A.) nikolaevi of Palaearctic reg.
D. (A.) ninae of Palaearctic reg.
D. (A.) nivosum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (A.) optatum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (A.) pantherinum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (A.) pelidnum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (A.) profanifuga of Palaearctic reg.
D. (A.) songaricum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (A.) suvorovi of Palaearctic reg.
D. (A.) suvorovianum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (A.) taldykurganum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (A.) thianshanense of Palaearctic reg.
D. (A.) tianshanskii of Palaearctic reg.
D. (A.) tibiale of Palaearctic reg.
D. (A.) toropovi of Palaearctic reg.
D. (A.) tschitscherini of Palaearctic reg.
D. (A.) unidiscale of Palaearctic reg.
D. (A.) urdzharicum of Palaearctic reg.
D. (A.) zhaisanicum of Palaearctic reg.