Cleptometopus of Paleotropical region
Browse the plates of the latest images or at random or in catalog mode but of course some are incomplete
plate • C. of Indoceylonese reg.
plate • C. of Indochinese reg.
plate • C. of Indomalayan reg.
plate • C. of Philippines reg.
C. angustifrons of Paleotropical reg.
C. armatus of Paleotropical reg.
C. auratoides of Paleotropical reg.
C. basifossulatus of Paleotropical reg.
C. biapicatus of Paleotropical reg.
C. camuripes of Paleotropical reg.
C. cephalotes of Paleotropical reg.
C. enganensis of Paleotropical reg.
C. filiferus of Paleotropical reg.
C. fisheri of Paleotropical reg.
C. flavolineatus of Paleotropical reg.
C. fuscosignatus of Paleotropical reg.
C. grossepunctatus of Paleotropical reg.
C. humeralis of Paleotropical reg.
C. indistinctus of Paleotropical reg.
C. invitticollis of Paleotropical reg.
C. javanicus of Paleotropical reg.
C. lepturoides of Paleotropical reg.
C. lobatus of Paleotropical reg.
C. luteonotatus of Paleotropical reg.
C. malaisei of Paleotropical reg.
C. mehli of Paleotropical reg.
C. mimolivaceus of Paleotropical reg.
C. mindanaonis of Paleotropical reg.
C. mniszechii of Paleotropical reg.
C. montanus of Paleotropical reg.
C. negrosensis of Paleotropical reg.
C. niasensis of Paleotropical reg.
C. niasicus of Paleotropical reg.
C. ochreoscutellaris of Paleotropical reg.
C. olivaceus of Paleotropical reg.
C. padangensis of Paleotropical reg.
C. parolivaceus of Paleotropical reg.
C. pepitoi of Paleotropical reg.
C. perakensis of Paleotropical reg.
C. quadrilineatus of Paleotropical reg.
C. scutellatus of Paleotropical reg.
C. sericeus of Paleotropical reg.
C. sikkimensis of Paleotropical reg.
C. similis of Paleotropical reg.
C. simillimus of Paleotropical reg.
C. strandi of Paleotropical reg.
C. striatopunctatus of Paleotropical reg.
C. subolivaceus of Paleotropical reg.
C. subteraureus of Paleotropical reg.
C. sumatranus of Paleotropical reg.
C. terrestris of Paleotropical reg.
C. undulatus of Paleotropical reg.