Similosodus (Transversesodus) of Paleotropical region
Browse the plates of the latest images or at random or in catalog mode but of course some are incomplete
plate • S. (T.) of Indochinese reg.
plate • S. (T.) of Indomalayan reg.
plate • S. (T.) of Philippines reg.
S. (T.) bedoci of Paleotropical reg.
S. (T.) burckhardti of Paleotropical reg.
S. (T.) choumi of Paleotropical reg.
S. (T.) coomani of Paleotropical reg.
S. (T.) palavanicus of Paleotropical reg.
S. (T.) persimilis of Paleotropical reg.
S. (T.) samaranus of Paleotropical reg.
S. (T.) signatus of Paleotropical reg.
S. (T.) transversefasciatus of Paleotropical reg.