Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) of Iran
Browse the plates of the latest images or at random or in catalog mode but of course some are incomplete
D. (C.) accola of Iran
D. (C.) albolineatum of Iran
D. (C.) anatolicum of Iran
D. (C.) apicerufum of Iran
D. (C.) arcivagum of Iran
D. (C.) auratum of Iran
D. (C.) bangi of Iran
D. (C.) biforme of Iran
D. (C.) bisignatum of Iran
D. (C.) blanchardi of Iran
D. (C.) bodemeyeri of Iran
D. (C.) boszdaghense of Iran
D. (C.) brunneicolle of Iran
D. (C.) cachinno of Iran
D. (C.) caprai of Iran
D. (C.) carinipenne of Iran
D. (C.) chopardi of Iran
D. (C.) cinctellum of Iran
D. (C.) cingulatoides of Iran
D. (C.) cingulatum of Iran
D. (C.) complanatum of Iran
D. (C.) condensatum of Iran
D. (C.) confluens of Iran
D. (C.) czipkai of Iran
D. (C.) danczenkoi of Iran
D. (C.) darakiensis of Iran
D. (C.) dimidiatum of Iran
D. (C.) discodivisum of Iran
D. (C.) divisum of Iran
D. (C.) elbursense of Iran
D. (C.) elegans of Iran
D. (C.) ferruginipes of Iran
D. (C.) formosum of Iran
D. (C.) glaucum of Iran
D. (C.) haemorrhoidale of Iran
D. (C.) hellmanni of Iran
D. (C.) invicinum of Iran
D. (C.) iranicum of Iran
D. (C.) ispartense of Iran
D. (C.) kharpuensis of Iran
D. (C.) komarowi of Iran
D. (C.) kurdistanum of Iran
D. (C.) laeve of Iran
D. (C.) lineatopunctatum of Iran
D. (C.) marandense of Iran
D. (C.) nobile of Iran
D. (C.) nurense of Iran
D. (C.) olegpaki of Iran
D. (C.) parcepunctatum of Iran
D. (C.) pasquieri of Iran
D. (C.) pseudonobile of Iran
D. (C.) punctulicolle of Iran
D. (C.) pygmaeum of Iran
D. (C.) ressli of Iran
D. (C.) rezai of Iran
D. (C.) scabricolle of Iran
D. (C.) semiargentatum of Iran
D. (C.) serouense of Iran
D. (C.) spectabile of Iran
D. (C.) striolatum of Iran
D. (C.) subcorpulentum of Iran
D. (C.) talyschense of Iran
D. (C.) tebrisicum of Iran
D. (C.) tuerki of Iran
D. (C.) urmianum of Iran