Eupromerella of Neotropical region
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E. boliviana of Neotropical reg.
E. clavator of Neotropical reg.
E. fuscicollis of Neotropical reg.
E. gallardi of Neotropical reg.
E. griseofasciata of Neotropical reg.
E. inaequalis of Neotropical reg.
E. leucogaea of Neotropical reg.
E. maculata of Neotropical reg.
E. minima of Neotropical reg.
E. nigroapicalis of Neotropical reg.
E. nigroocellata of Neotropical reg.
E. orbifera of Neotropical reg.
E. picturata of Neotropical reg.
E. plaumanni of Neotropical reg.
E. propinqua of Neotropical reg.
E. pseudopropinqua of Neotropical reg.
E. quadrituberculata of Neotropical reg.
E. semigrisea of Neotropical reg.
E. travassosi of Neotropical reg.
E. versicolor of Neotropical reg.