Batocera of Austromalayan region
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B. aeneonigra of Austromalayan reg.
B. armata of Austromalayan reg.
B. bruynii of Austromalayan reg.
B. celebiana of Austromalayan reg.
B. cinnamomea of Austromalayan reg.
B. gerardhoullieri of Austromalayan reg.
B. gerstaeckerii of Austromalayan reg.
B. hercules of Austromalayan reg.
B. humeridens of Austromalayan reg.
B. laena of Austromalayan reg.
B. magica of Austromalayan reg.
B. meleager of Austromalayan reg.
B. numitor of Austromalayan reg.
B. rosenbergii of Austromalayan reg.
B. rubus of Austromalayan reg.
B. strandi of Austromalayan reg.
B. sumbaensis of Austromalayan reg.
B. timorlautensis of Austromalayan reg.
B. wallacei of Austromalayan reg.
B. yoshikawai of Austromalayan reg.
plate • B.
plate • B. of Australasian region
plate • Batocerini of Austromalayan region
plate • Austromalayan region