Desmiphorini of Austromalayan region
Browse the plates of the latest images or at random or in catalog mode but of course some are incomplete
Amblymora of Austromalayan reg.
Falsamblymora of Austromalayan reg.
Meton of Austromalayan reg.
Mimectatina of Austromalayan reg.
Mimipochira of Austromalayan reg.
Mimothelais of Austromalayan reg.
Myonebra of Austromalayan reg.
Othelais of Austromalayan reg.
Paradjinga of Austromalayan reg.
Paramblymora of Austromalayan reg.
Philicus of Austromalayan reg.
Phyxium of Austromalayan reg.
Pithomictus of Austromalayan reg.
Salvazaon of Austromalayan reg.
Trichadjinga of Austromalayan reg.