Acanthocinini of New Guinea
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Acanista of New Guinea
Driopea of New Guinea
Emeopedus of New Guinea
Enes of New Guinea
Eoporis of New Guinea
Miaenia of New Guinea
Mimozygoceropsis of New Guinea
Neoischnolea of New Guinea
Nesomomus of New Guinea
Ostedes of New Guinea
Paracristenes of New Guinea
Paradidymocentrus of New Guinea
Paramyromeus of New Guinea
Paraphloeopsis of New Guinea
Pseudhoplorana of New Guinea
Pseudipochira of New Guinea
Pseudodidymocentrus of New Guinea
Pseudolmotega of New Guinea
Pseudostedes of New Guinea
Rondibilis of New Guinea
Spinoleioposopus of New Guinea
Stenocidnus of New Guinea