Obereopsis of East Africa region
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O. antenigripennis of East Africa reg.
O. apicalis of East Africa reg.
O. apicaloides of East Africa reg.
O. aurosericea of East Africa reg.
O. basilewskyi of East Africa reg.
O. elgonensis of East Africa reg.
O. elongatula of East Africa reg.
O. fuscosternalis of East Africa reg.
O. holoflavipennis of East Africa reg.
O. linearis of East Africa reg.
O. masaica of East Africa reg.
O. minima of East Africa reg.
O. monticola of East Africa reg.
O. nigricollis of East Africa reg.
O. nigrolateraloides of East Africa reg.
O. obscuritarsis of East Africa reg.
O. paraflaveola of East Africa reg.
O. paravariipes of East Africa reg.
O. rubriceps of East Africa reg.
O. semiflava of East Africa reg.
O. seminigra of East Africa reg.
O. tanganjicae of East Africa reg.
O. variipes of East Africa reg.
O. villiersi of East Africa reg.