Ropica of Paleotropical region
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R. of Afrotropical reg.
R. of Madagascan reg.
R. of Indoceylonese reg.
R. of Indochinese reg.
R. of Indomalayan reg.
R. of Philippines reg.
R. affinis of Paleotropical reg.
R. africana of Paleotropical reg.
R. albomaculata of Paleotropical reg.
R. alboplagiata of Paleotropical reg.
R. andamana of Paleotropical reg.
R. angusticollis of Paleotropical reg.
R. annamensis of Paleotropical reg.
R. barbieri of Paleotropical reg.
R. basicristata of Paleotropical reg.
R. beccarii of Paleotropical reg.
R. bicarinatipennis of Paleotropical reg.
R. bicristata of Paleotropical reg.
R. bifuscoplagiata of Paleotropical reg.
R. binhana of Paleotropical reg.
R. biplagiata of Paleotropical reg.
R. bisbilineata of Paleotropical reg.
R. borneotica of Paleotropical reg.
R. brunnea of Paleotropical reg.
R. carinipennis of Paleotropical reg.
R. celebensis of Paleotropical reg.
R. ceylonica of Paleotropical reg.
R. congoana of Paleotropical reg.
R. congolensis of Paleotropical reg.
R. coomani of Paleotropical reg.
R. crassepuncta of Paleotropical reg.
R. cruciata of Paleotropical reg.
R. cunicularis of Paleotropical reg.
R. densepunctata of Paleotropical reg.
R. dissonans of Paleotropical reg.
R. dorsalis of Paleotropical reg.
R. fouqueti of Paleotropical reg.
R. fruhstorferi of Paleotropical reg.
R. fuscobiplagiatipennis of Paleotropical reg.
R. fuscoplagiata of Paleotropical reg.
R. fuscosignata of Paleotropical reg.
R. gardneri of Paleotropical reg.
R. ghanaensis of Paleotropical reg.
R. ghesquierei of Paleotropical reg.
R. granuliscapa of Paleotropical reg.
R. griseomarmorata of Paleotropical reg.
R. hoana of Paleotropical reg.
R. honesta of Paleotropical reg.
R. ignobilis of Paleotropical reg.
R. illiterata of Paleotropical reg.
R. immista of Paleotropical reg.
R. indica of Paleotropical reg.
R. ituriensis of Paleotropical reg.
R. javana of Paleotropical reg.
R. javanica of Paleotropical reg.
R. kasaiensis of Paleotropical reg.
R. laevicollis of Paleotropical reg.
R. latepubens of Paleotropical reg.
R. laterifusca of Paleotropical reg.
R. lineatithorax of Paleotropical reg.
R. luzonica of Paleotropical reg.
R. marmorata of Paleotropical reg.
R. nicobarica of Paleotropical reg.
R. nigrovittata of Paleotropical reg.
R. nodieri of Paleotropical reg.
R. obliquebilineata of Paleotropical reg.
R. obliquelineata of Paleotropical reg.
R. ochreomaculata of Paleotropical reg.
R. palawanica of Paleotropical reg.
R. paruniformis of Paleotropical reg.
R. pedongensis of Paleotropical reg.
R. philippinensis of Paleotropical reg.
R. piperata of Paleotropical reg.
R. postnigromaculata of Paleotropical reg.
R. principis of Paleotropical reg.
R. pygmaea of Paleotropical reg.
R. quadricristata of Paleotropical reg.
R. robusta of Paleotropical reg.
R. rondoni of Paleotropical reg.
R. rosti of Paleotropical reg.
R. rufonotata of Paleotropical reg.
R. rugiscapa of Paleotropical reg.
R. sechellarum of Paleotropical reg.
R. signata of Paleotropical reg.
R. siporensis of Paleotropical reg.
R. sparsepunctata of Paleotropical reg.
R. sparsepuncticollis of Paleotropical reg.
R. squamosa of Paleotropical reg.
R. strandi of Paleotropical reg.
R. subaffinis of Paleotropical reg.
R. sumatrensis of Paleotropical reg.
R. thomensis of Paleotropical reg.
R. transversemaculata of Paleotropical reg.
R. trichantennalis of Paleotropical reg.
R. uniformis of Paleotropical reg.
R. unifuscomaculata of Paleotropical reg.
R. varicolor of Paleotropical reg.
R. variegata of Paleotropical reg.
R. vinacea of Paleotropical reg.
R. vittata of Paleotropical reg.