Eunidia of Central African region
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E. abdoterminata of Central African reg.
E. affinis of Central African reg.
E. albolineata of Central African reg.
E. albosignata of Central African reg.
E. albovariegata of Central African reg.
E. allardi of Central African reg.
E. angolana of Central African reg.
E. annulata of Central African reg.
E. apicalis of Central African reg.
E. apicefusca of Central African reg.
E. aspersa of Central African reg.
E. bifasciata of Central African reg.
E. bigriseovittata of Central African reg.
E. biplagiata of Central African reg.
E. bituberata of Central African reg.
E. breuningiae of Central African reg.
E. brunneopunctata of Central African reg.
E. caffra of Central African reg.
E. coiffaiti of Central African reg.
E. conradti of Central African reg.
E. deceptrix of Central African reg.
E. dilacerata of Central African reg.
E. dilacerata of Central African reg.
E. discounivittata of Central African reg.
E. diversimembris of Central African reg.
E. elisae of Central African reg.
E. exigua of Central African reg.
E. femoralis of Central African reg.
E. flava of Central African reg.
E. flavipes of Central African reg.
E. flavoapicata of Central African reg.
E. flavointerruptovittata of Central African reg.
E. flavopicta of Central African reg.
E. flavovittata of Central African reg.
E. fuscoapicipennis of Central African reg.
E. fuscostictica of Central African reg.
E. fuscovitticollis of Central African reg.
E. guttulata of Central African reg.
E. holonigra of Central African reg.
E. holorufa of Central African reg.
E. kivuana of Central African reg.
E. kivuensis of Central African reg.
E. kristenseni of Central African reg.
E. laeticiae of Central African reg.
E. lujai of Central African reg.
E. major of Central African reg.
E. marmorea of Central African reg.
E. microphthalma of Central African reg.
E. mimica of Central African reg.
E. mirei of Central African reg.
E. multinigromaculata of Central African reg.
E. mussardi of Central African reg.
E. nebulosa of Central African reg.
E. nigricans of Central African reg.
E. octoplagiata of Central African reg.
E. pararothkirchi of Central African reg.
E. partegriseicornis of Central African reg.
E. partenigroantennalis of Central African reg.
E. partenigrofemoralis of Central African reg.
E. plagiata of Central African reg.
E. pseudostrigata of Central African reg.
E. pujoli of Central African reg.
E. quadrialbosignata of Central African reg.
E. rothkirchi of Central African reg.
E. rufescens of Central African reg.
E. similis of Central African reg.
E. spilota of Central African reg.
E. strigata of Central African reg.
E. subtessalata of Central African reg.
E. suturealba of Central African reg.
E. thomensis of Central African reg.
E. thomseni of Central African reg.
E. trifuscopunctata of Central African reg.
E. tripunctata of Central African reg.
E. trivittata of Central African reg.
E. trivitticollis of Central African reg.
E. tubericollis of Central African reg.
E. unicoloricornis of Central African reg.
E. unifuscomaculata of Central African reg.
E. vagefuscomaculata of Central African reg.
E. varicoloripennis of Central African reg.
E. wittei of Central African reg.
plate • E.
plate • E. of Africa
plate • Eunidiini of Central African region
plate • Central African region