Sybra (Sybra) of Australia (Queensland)
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S. (S.) albula of Australia (Queensland)
S. (S.) continentalis of Australia (Queensland)
S. (S.) demarzi of Australia (Queensland)
S. (S.) integricollis of Australia (Queensland)
S. (S.) integripennis of Australia (Queensland)
S. (S.) kaszabiana of Australia (Queensland)
S. (S.) laterialba of Australia (Queensland)
S. (S.) medioguttata of Australia (Queensland)
S. (S.) microphthalma of Australia (Queensland)
S. (S.) nigrolineata of Australia (Queensland)
S. (S.) parva of Australia (Queensland)
S. (S.) trinitensis of Australia (Queensland)
S. (S.) truncata of Australia (Queensland)
plate • S. (S.)
plate • S. (S.) of Australia
plate • Sybra of Australia (Queensland)
plate • Australia (Queensland)