Phytoecia (Phytoecia) of SW Asia
Browse the plates of the latest images or at random or in catalog mode but of course some are incomplete
P. (P.) aenigmatica of SW Asia
P. (P.) akbesiana of SW Asia
P. (P.) ambrusi of SW Asia
P. (P.) annulipes of SW Asia
P. (P.) asiatica of SW Asia
P. (P.) baccueti of SW Asia
P. (P.) bangi of SW Asia
P. (P.) bethseba of SW Asia
P. (P.) bialookii of SW Asia
P. (P.) bodemeyeri of SW Asia
P. (P.) caerulea of SW Asia
P. (P.) centaureae of SW Asia
P. (P.) croceipes of SW Asia
P. (P.) cylindrica of SW Asia
P. (P.) drurei of SW Asia
P. (P.) gamzeae of SW Asia
P. (P.) geniculata of SW Asia
P. (P.) icterica of SW Asia
P. (P.) kartalensis of SW Asia
P. (P.) manicata of SW Asia
P. (P.) nigricornis of SW Asia
P. (P.) pubescens of SW Asia
P. (P.) pustulata of SW Asia
P. (P.) rufipes of SW Asia
P. (P.) subannularis of SW Asia
P. (P.) sublineata of SW Asia
P. (P.) syriaca of SW Asia
P. (P.) virgula of SW Asia
P. (P.) viridipes of SW Asia