Lepturges (Lepturges) of Brazil (Rio de Janeiro)
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L. (L.) abditus of Brazil (Rio de Janeiro)
L. (L.) alvarengai of Brazil (Rio de Janeiro)
L. (L.) batesi of Brazil (Rio de Janeiro)
L. (L.) comptus of Brazil (Rio de Janeiro)
L. (L.) funereus of Brazil (Rio de Janeiro)
L. (L.) insignis of Brazil (Rio de Janeiro)
L. (L.) melzeri of Brazil (Rio de Janeiro)
L. (L.) punctatissimus of Brazil (Rio de Janeiro)
L. (L.) singularis of Brazil (Rio de Janeiro)
L. (L.) zikani of Brazil (Rio de Janeiro)
plate • L. (L.)
plate • L. (L.) of Brazil
plate • Lepturges of Brazil (Rio de Janeiro)
plate • Brazil (Rio de Janeiro)