Bisaltes (Bisaltes) of Amazonian region
Browse the plates of the latest images or at random or in catalog mode but of course some are incomplete
B. (B.) adustus of Amazonian reg.
B. (B.) bilineellus of Amazonian reg.
B. (B.) bimaculatus of Amazonian reg.
B. (B.) brevicornis of Amazonian reg.
B. (B.) buquetii of Amazonian reg.
B. (B.) confusa of Amazonian reg.
B. (B.) elongatus of Amazonian reg.
B. (B.) flaviceps of Amazonian reg.
B. (B.) fuscoapicalis of Amazonian reg.
B. (B.) fuscodiscalis of Amazonian reg.
B. (B.) fuscomarmoratus of Amazonian reg.
B. (B.) lateralis of Amazonian reg.
B. (B.) lingafelteri of Amazonian reg.
B. (B.) montevidensis of Amazonian reg.
B. (B.) monticola of Amazonian reg.
B. (B.) pulvereus of Amazonian reg.
B. (B.) roseiceps of Amazonian reg.
B. (B.) spegazzinii of Amazonian reg.
B. (B.) stramentosus of Amazonian reg.
B. (B.) strandi of Amazonian reg.
B. (B.) subreticulatus of Amazonian reg.
B. (B.) taua of Amazonian reg.
B. (B.) triangularis of Amazonian reg.
B. (B.) unicolor of Amazonian reg.
B. (B.) uniformis of Amazonian reg.
B. (B.) venezuelensis of Amazonian reg.
plate • B. (B.)
plate • B. (B.) of Neotropical region
plate • Bisaltes of Amazonian region
plate • Amazonian region