Hammatoderus of North America
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H. albatus of North America
H. brunneus of North America
H. decorus of North America
H. elatus of North America
H. emanon of North America
H. garciaorum of North America
H. granulosus of North America
H. inermis of North America
H. laceratus of North America
H. lacordairei of North America
H. lingafelteri of North America
H. lunaris of North America
H. maculosus of North America
H. nitidus of North America
H. olivescens of North America
H. ornator of North America
H. pollinosus of North America
H. rubefactus of North America
H. sallei of North America
H. thiodes of North America
H. thoracicus of North America
H. wappesi of North America